March 21, 2020/POSTED BY Eden Christian Centre

We are going through times that we have never encountered before.  I say to you as Joshua said to Israel, ‘we have never been this way before’.  Therefore, as we cannot meet as we usually do, we need to find other ways to worship, to pray, to learn, grow and witness, at least in the short term.

Our church will continue and we will continue to provide the best leadership we can, though there are obvious limitations.

As a church family, we still have a spiritual responsibility which we will do our best to fulfil.  We also have financial responsibilities that we will do our best to meet.  We intend to meet all our commitments, including our usual outgoings, maintain our building and pay staff.

I am really thankful for all who have given faithfully to the Lord in tithes and offerings through our church.  Some have given through a standing order which is simple, easy and consistent.  Others, by cash or cheque.  This becomes a challenge because I know you will want to continue giving as you are a good steward but the way we give is now limited.

Can I offer you some options?

  • You could convert your giving by cash or cheque to a standing order. In these times, this is perhaps the ideal way to give. The Apostolic Church – Ilford, Sort Code 40-02-48, Account Number: 41673025 or pop into any HSBC bank and use these details
  • You could post your cheque to our church office: Eden Church, Connaught Road, Ilford IG1 1RN
  • You could call our office and pay by Debit or Credit Card: Tel: 020 84784765
  • Let us know how we can help to make it easy for you to give (020 84784765 / email: info@edencc.co.uk).
  • On all transaction use your gift Aid Number for reference. If you would like to give by Gift Aid let us know.

Because we cannot meet as a church, our work continues and we are now as the church in some other countries that face limitations to their freedoms.  The church, however, is still the church and has a job to do and we need to find new ways to do it.

Thank you for your partnership and support in the past.  Through the faithfulness of this people, the Lord is building his house.  Can I ask you to continue giving your tithes and offerings as we honour the Lord through this act of worship, obedience and faith?

God bless

Ps Bryon

Eden Christian Centre

Address: Eden Christian Centre, Connaught Road, Ilford, IG1 1RN

Telephone: 020 84784765

Email: info@edencc.co.uk

How To Find Us

By Car: You can get to Ilford via the A406, A12, A13, M25 and M11.

By Bus: We are walking distance from Ilford town centre. We are situated between Ilford High Road and Green Lane. We are well served by buses Numbers 86, 123, 128, 150.

By Train: An overhead train runs directly from Liverpool Street to Ilford town centre.

Contact Form

Please use the form below to send us a message or to send us a Prayer Request, we respond to all emails as soon as possible.

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